fCO PRESENTS _- you don't know -_ for the Mekka 32 CH. Compo running 4:42 The Piano Parts came from Maxi! All other work done by BrAiN tEASER with some help from Maxi! The original file has two real 3o3 channels using two Syntecno TeeBee's via Midi. Some Greetz: -Bomb-20 -Falter -Keith3o3 -Cosmic -Titan&Red Acid Jack -Masterbeat and all other HBE Members -Starfox -Simple-N -Raver Girl Jessi -DJ Ciacomix -Helmut Ebritsch -X-TREME DREAMS -all Oktan Clubber -all ABFAHRER.GER' ler -all Groovy Bytes Acts -Dominik Willms -Frauke -Blue Jay -IRC CHillOut Members and all i've forgotten V1.2 little bug fixed 01.04.1996 (c) 1996 fCO CREW Get the Groovy Bytes and Syntax Terror CD-Pack! phido: 2:2476/830.31 iNET: svenny(a)space. infra.de Tel/Fax: 0761-474823 (Sven Jansen)